Terms of Service

Welcome to the ahbeard.com.hk webpage, the following terms of use and disclaimer detail the rules of using this webpage, please read it carefully. By entering this webpage and any webpages, you have agreed to all these terms of use. If you do not accept these terms, you should leave this webpage immediately and stop using any materials obtained from the webpage

1. ahbeard.com.hk (hereinafter referred to as "this webpage") terms and conditions

1.1 EMMAS Spectrum (Hong Kong) Limited ("A.H.Beard Mattress") technically operates this website. However, we have no editorial control over some of the content of this webpage, especially when other people provide content or operate certain parts of this webpage, and you can browse or enter through this webpage (hereinafter referred to as "third-party providers").

1.2 We reserve the right to revise these terms and conditions by updating this posting without notice. The revised terms will take effect from the date of posting.

1.3 You confirm that we are at our sole discretion, with or without notice to you: a. Change this page or any part of this page (including the entry page that requires you to register); and b. Modify or terminate this webpage, any part of this webpage and the services provided on this webpage.

1.4 If the Chinese and English versions of these terms of use and disclaimer are different, the English version shall prevail.

2. Copyright

2.1 You confirm that the content on this webpage is restricted by copyright and other intellectual property rights that may be involved (hereinafter referred to as "Intellectual Property Rights"). Unless you are expressly authorized under the law, you may not personally or allow any other person to:

a. Without our prior written consent, modify, sell, plagiarize, copy, display, publicly perform, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, and produce any content based on content, including text, images, coding, and/ Or software, and then post or use any content in other forms to achieve any public or commercial purpose; or

b. Use any content on any other webpage or network computer environment for any purpose; or

c. Reverse engineer any content that contains downloaded software; or

d. When using this webpage or any content, infringe on our or anyone's intellectual property rights.

2.2 Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, nothing you do on this webpage or anything related to this webpage will not constitute the assignment of any intellectual property rights to you or permit you to exercise any intellectual property rights.

2.3 If you download, plagiarize, transmit, publish, store or otherwise use or process the content contained in this webpage without our prior consent, you are responsible for determining whether any infringement is involved.

2.4 Regardless of whether it is an individual or a legal entity, without our prior written consent, it is not allowed to create a hyperlink to the A.H.Beard Mattress webpage through hypertext reference or image creation.

3. Trademark

The text and trademarks of the publications, products, content or services quoted on this page are the exclusive trademarks or service trademarks of EMMAS Spectrum (Hong Kong) Limited, its subsidiaries, associates and/or affiliates. Other names or logos appearing on the webpage may be other trademarks owned by their respective owners.

4. Use this page

4.1 You must not:

a. Disrupt or interfere with this webpage or its server or other software, hardware or equipment connected to or via this webpage;

b. Violate any applicable laws when you use this website; or

c. Collect or store the personal data of other users of this page.

4.2 You agree to bear the risk of using this webpage. You must assess and bear all risks associated with the use of any content, including relying on the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any content. All information provided by or through this page is provided "as is" and is for information only. Regarding any content, you should seek independent advice on your own.

4.3 We try our best to provide a convenient and practical webpage, but we cannot guarantee that the content is completely correct, does not contain any viruses, or that this webpage or the server operating this webpage is completely free of viruses or other harmful components.

4.4 We will strive to retain the content, but we do not promise to provide support or maintenance services for the content. It is your responsibility to implement adequate measures and tests to meet the specific requirements you need to import and export data, and to maintain a method other than this page to prepare for the reconstruction of lost data. If you need to repair or replace any property, materials, tools or information due to your use of this webpage, we will not be responsible for the costs.

4.5 We do not make any form (whether express or implied) guarantees or conditions, including but not limited to any implicit guarantees about marketability, suitability for special purposes, or non-violation. To the extent permitted by any applicable law, we exclude all representations and warranties.

5. Limited liability

5.1 For any direct damage, indirect damage, special damage or other forms of derivative damage, loss or data damage, loss of profit, loss of profit, goodwill, preferential treatment caused by your access to, reliance on or use or inability to use this webpage and its content We are not responsible for loss of sale or opportunity, or loss of anticipated savings, or any other loss, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence or any other legal theory, and whether we are aware of the possibility of such damage.

5.2 Third-party suppliers
You confirm:

a. Certain parts of this webpage; and

b. Some parts of the content are provided and retained by third-party suppliers instead of us. Your transactions and communications with any third-party provider are purely matters between you and the third-party provider. You agree that we are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by such transactions.

6. Links and advertisements

6.1 We have not reviewed all the pages linked to this page. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any non-this webpage or any other webpages linked to this webpage (including but not limited to webpages linked through advertisements or any finder).

6.2 Some links appearing on this webpage are automatically generated. These links may be offensive or inappropriate to some people. The inclusion of any link does not mean that we endorse the linked page. You are responsible for any use or access to these third-party web pages or their products and services at your own risk. We have no relationship with the owners or operators of these third parties, and we have no control or authority over these third-party web pages.

6.3 Communications or transactions between you and the advertisers on this webpage, or your participation in the promotion of advertisers, are purely a matter between you and the advertiser.

  6.4 We are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by any such transactions or the appearance of advertisements on this page.

7. Compensation

As a result of your use of this webpage or content, or any claims, litigation or claims, losses, expenses, losses, expenses, including reasonable legal and accounting expenses, caused by your violation of these terms and conditions, you agree to defend us and file a complaint with us Compensate and protect us, our officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers from damage.

8. Personal data and cookie technology

8.1 When using this webpage, you may provide us with "personal data" as defined in the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance", Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You have certain rights with regard to such personal data. By using this webpage, you agree to our use of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.

8.2 When you use this webpage, we may request your computer to send out information commonly known as "cookies". We use cookies and other technologies to passively collect demographic information, personalize your experience of using this page, and monitor advertising and other activities.

8.3 Some parts of this webpage use external advertising companies to display advertisements. These companies may use the information about your visit to this webpage to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and provide advertisements for products and services you are interested in. These advertisements may contain cookies. Our advertising company collects cookies received from banner advertisements, but our company cannot access this information. You can choose to turn off cookies.

9. General

9.1 If any part of these terms and conditions cannot be enforced in law, this part will take effect within the maximum possible scope permitted by law, while the other parts will still have full legal effect and effect.

9.2 These terms of use and disclaimer are governed by the laws of Hong Kong. You should irrevocably accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

9.3 We will post any notices that must be given to you on this page. you agree:

a. Check the notices on this page; and

b. When the notice is posted on this webpage, you will be deemed to have received the notice.

9.4 Definition:

a. "Content" includes things you can see, read, hear, download or enter on or through this webpage (including but not limited to messages, files, data, software, images, photos, illustrations, texts, and other materials).

b. "Applicable law" refers to any laws, regulations and regulations of any country, and any legal and binding responsibilities under any license of any country.

These terms of use and disclaimer were last revised in December 2023.